If Statement Parser


The if tag returns a message based on the passed expression to the parameter. An expression is represented by two values compared with an operator. The payload is a required message that must be split by pipe (|). If the expression evaluates true, then the message before the pipe (|) is returned, else the message after is returned.


	import { Interpreter, IfStatementParser } from 'tagscript';
	const ts = new Interpreter(new IfStatementParser());


Check IfStatementParser for the API documentation.

For End Users




{if({args}==63):You guessed it! The number I was thinking of was 63!|Too {if({args}<63):low|high}, try again.}
# if args is 63
You guessed it! The number I was thinking of was 63!
# if args is 73
Too high, try again.
# if args is 14
Too low, try again.


==equalitya==avalue 1 is equal to value 2
!=inequalitya!=bvalue 1 is not equal to value 2
>greater than5>3value 1 is greater than value 2
<less than4<8value 1 is less than value 2
>=greater than or equality10>=10value 1 is greater than or equal to value 2
<=less than or equality5<=6value 1 is less than or equal to value 2